Google Shuts Down Advertising Campaign of Toronto Mayoral Candidate Faith Goldy Just Before Election

Google wants to "Police Tone"
Adrian Dennis/AFP/Getty

Google shut down Toronto mayoral candidate Faith Goldy’s online advertising campaign Saturday, just 48 hours before polls opened.

On Saturday, October 20, just 48 hours before polls opened, Google informed Goldy that her entire online advertising campaign, which included video, search result, and banner advertisements, had been shut down.

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🚨ALERT🚨@Google just paused the Faith Goldy for Toronto Mayor ads for NO REASON‼️

Here’s their “circumventing systems” policy: 


One account, one credit card, for one campaign.

And Google offices aren’t open until the day of the election!

“We’ve confirmed that your account is in violation of our Google Ads policies. Since this decision is final, the account will not be reinstated,” wrote Google to Goldy in an email. “Please avoid creating additional Google Ads accounts, as they will be subjected to the same suspension. Our support team will not be able to give you any more specifics on the suspension.”

Goldy, who ran a “Canada First” campaign for the mayoral election, publicly opposed illegal immigration, and promised to “launch a Special Research Desk on Islamic Extremism to monitor finances in and out of Toronto Islamic centres” should she be elected.

“Voting commenced Monday at 10am, we got the notice [of ad suspension] late on Saturday night,” declared Goldy to Breitbart Tech, adding that an appeal was impossible until Google’s offices opened again on Monday, the day of the election.

“Americans should pay attention because Google is pioneering tactics in Canada which will be used against patriots south of the border come 2020,” Goldy proclaimed. “Big tech is interfering with a democratic election based on political bias and that should be deeply troubling to every candidate and voter committed to democratic values.”

“Our campaign has endured attacks from the collusive corporate media above this instance of Google censorship,” she continued. “In two instances, our campaign purchased advertising spots from mainstream media organizations in Canada, and in both cases, after signing the contracts, our campaign had the contracts illegally terminated hours before our scheduled airtime while no reason was given as to why.”

Google, which dominates the online advertisement market along with Facebook and Amazon, reportedly controls 85 percent of online ad growth along with Facebook.

Google also reportedly generates as much ad revenue as the entire global print advertisement market.